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Graduated in Florence at the historic Academy of Fine Arts in the school of Painting of Maestro Gustavo Giulietti in 1996 with full marks.
She began to present her works on canvas in mixed technique with some Italian art galleries present annually in national art fairs. In 2000 she moved to Rome. She teaches History of Art and Drawing Techniques in private schools. I have taught ways and methods for drawing and painting various techniques in training courses. She embarked on a path of theater-dance practicing various schools (Pina Bauch Strickers Maggiopinto school etc.), participating in contemporary dance seminars of movement, Contact improvisation (Marce Cunningham and others) in various countries, building a profound language between bodily expression and pictorial act as an action essential to the movement arising from an attitude aimed at the improvised act.
She won various competitions for the public installation of pictorial works and Art Awards.
Since 2003, the year in which she founded the Dance in Action Painting Company, she has designed and created performances in synesthesia with musicians, dancers, actors, vocalists, composers, sopranos, creating her own language of painting in the indissoluble bond between color and music, between improvisation and danced movement.
She stages Action Painting performances in real musical concerts in Italy and abroad. She collaborates with Ensembles and Companies, Advertising Agencies (AD4 Communication Maked Filmmaster, others) and many companies (BNL Paribas, Enel, ENIspa, GSK, QVC, University, Health Companies, Museums, others), creating unique and unrepeatable choral shows of pictorial improvisation. She designs logos for companies and creates large-format canvases for advertising and video spots.
Her works on canvas are exhibited in selected solo and group exhibitions in various countries. Professor and art critic Marco Cianchi writes about her.
Atelier Rome Florence
AD4 Communication - Accademia Bizantina - Analysis - Aou Careggi Toscana - Amusart Roma - Artemisia Ass. - Avery Parfum - Azienda Agricola Tamburini - Borghese Palace Art Hotel - Bisbigli - Brand Building - Brunellesca Firenze - BNLbaripas - Boscolo - Concilio Europeo - Contemporary Ensamble - DP Advertising - Diapason - Enel - ENI (Eni4 Milano) - Filmmaster - Fieramente - Fondazione Careggi - Fondazione Gemelli - Gerini spa - Goathuose Scarpa USA - GSK - NTTdata - Ideal Comunication - Immaginaria - Istituto Innocenti Firenze - Lazzara srl - Promart - QVC - Centro Ottico Martelli - Maked Comunication - Pagaie Rosa Roma - Re/Max Roma - Resort Fonteverdespa - Siena Experience Italian Hub - Societè General - The ArchitectsDance - Tennis in Rosa - Telethon - Università Bicocca.
Contemporanea C2 Firenze - Galleria Menhir La Spezia - Galleria ADmore - Galleria 166 Firenze - Galleria La Tartaruga Roma - Galleria Chigi - Galleria Biblioteca dell'Incoronata Milano - Palma Arte - Borghese Art Hotel Firenze - In Paradiso Venezia - La Fenice - Del Monte - Fonteverdespa - Feltrinelli Mantova - Spazio Porpora Milano - Altes Gymnasium Neuruppin - Rathaus Stoccarda - Avery Boutique Firenze - Francia - Germania - Lussemburgo - North Carolina - New Hampshire - Giappone - Svizzera.
2024 Catalogo Mostra Personale FRAGRANZE MANIERISTE Pitture testi e curatela di Marco Cianchi, 48 pagine ed. Litorcart, monografico
2021 - Catalogo Mostra VENUS IN ACQUA, dimensoni liquide Cinzia Fiaschi e Rita Pedullà, 48 pagine ed. Nuova Grafica di Costa
2016 - Art Germany Stuttgart 2016, collettivo edizioni Giorgio Mondadori
2013 - Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta, (guardalo online) viaggio contemporaneo pittorico fotografico e performativo, 48 pagine, Ed Pacini, monografico
2008 - Colori in Movimento, Pitture 2007/2008 testi critici AAVV, 48 pagine ed. Manfredi Roma, monografico
2007 - Colori nelle Parole, cura e testi di C. Micheli, 83 pagine, ed Publipaolini Mantova, monografico
2005 - Colorinmovimento, curato da Promart, 48 pagine ed. Publistampa Trento, monografico